strategic presentation

Triple Trouble: My Struggle with Procrastination, Smartphone addiction, and Bad Sleep Schedule


Like many students, one of my worst habits is my struggle with procrastination which has been ongoing ever since I can remember. Obviously, this is not a good habit to have as waiting to the last minute to do things such as school work has had some negative effects such as not completing my work on time or turning in work that was not up to my standards. My procrastination does not only apply to my school work it has also affected other things in my life. For example, if I know I have to be somewhere at a certain time more often than not I will wait until the last minute to start getting ready which will often make me late.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava on

Smartphone Addiction

Another common bad habit of mine and probably most people, especially people my age is being on my phone too much. In this day and age it is actually difficult not to be addicted to your phone with it being a necessity to be on your phone for pretty much everything. However, based on my screen time and what apps my phone says I am using the most when I’m on it, I can certainly cut down a lot of the time I spend on my phone. My phone addiction has definitely become worse after I was introduced to TikTok, which I now spend a lot of time on swiping video after video until I get bored. I have been working on limiting my screen time especially at night before I go to sleep by putting my phone on do not disturb so I don’t receive any notifications and I am less tempted to look at my phone.

Bad Sleep Schedule

As I discussed at the end of my previous habit I often am on my phone late at night, more often than not scrolling on Tik Tok or another social media. This leads to me being up late at night until two or three in the morning until I eventually fall asleep. This leads to one of two outcomes, either I do not wake up until the afternoon because I am tired from going to sleep late or if I need to be up early in the morning, I wake up and am now tired all day long. This can also be exacerbated on the weekends if I decide to go out with my friends and don’t go to sleep until late at night which messes up my sleep schedule even more. As previously mentioned I am working on this and as of recently I am beginning to go to bed earlier which has allowed me to wake up earlier and not feel tired leading me to have a more productive day.

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